



Currently, templates for numerous bioassays are included in ToxRat. The list is constantly being expanded. We are driven by the requirements of our customers.
If your biotest is not yet included: Let us know!
By the way: A manual evaluation is of course always possible, even if a bioassay is not (yet) available as a complete package.
For these purposes ToxRat offers so-called "Generic templates".


OECD 201

Algae, Growth Inhibition Test

OECD 202

Daphnia spec., Acute Immobilisation Test

OECD 203

Fish, Acute Toxicity Test

OECD 204

Fish, Prolonged Toxicity Test: 14-Day Study

OECD 205

Avian Diatary Toxicity Test

OECD 206

Avian Reproduction Test

OECD 207

Earthworm, Acute Toxicity Test

OECD 208

Terrestrial (Non-target)-Plant test:


208A: Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth, 208B: Vegetative Vigour Test

OECD 209

Activated Sludge, Respiration Inhibition Test

OECD 210

Fish, Early-Life Stage Toxicity Test

OECD 211

Daphnia magna Reproduction Test

OECD 212

Fish, Short-term Toxicity Test on Embryo and Sac-Fry Stages

OECD 213

Honeybees Acute Oral Toxicity Test

OECD 214

Honeybees Acute Contact Toxicity Test

OECD 215

Fish, Juvenile Growth Test

OECD 216

Soil Microorganisms, Nitrogen Transfomation Test

OECD 217

Soil Microorganisms, Carbon Transformation Test

OECD 218

Sediment Water Chironomid Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment

OECD 219

Sediment Water Chironomid Toxicity Test Using Spiked Water

OECD 220

Enchytraeidae Reproduction Test

OECD 221

Lemna sp. Growth Inhibition Test

OECD 222

Earthworm Reproduction Test (Eisenia fetida / andrei)

OECD 223

Avian Acute Oral Toxicity Test

OECD 225

Lumbriculus Toxicity Test

OECD 226

Predatory Mite (Hypoaspis) Reproduction Test in Soil

OECD 227

OECD 232

Terrestrial Plant Test Vegetative Vigour

Collembola Reproduction Test

OECD 235

Chironomus Acute Test

OECD 236

Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity Test (FET)

OECD 237

Honeybees Larval Toxicity Test

OECD 238

Myriophyllum spicatum Sediment-Free Toxicity Test

OECD 239

Myriophyllum Water-Sediment Toxicity Test




850.5400 Algal Toxicity - Tiers I and II



Mortality and Reproduction of Typhlodromus pyri


Survival and Viability of Aphidius rhopalosophi


DIN EN ISO 11348

Luminescence Inhibition

DIN EN ISO 15088

Acute Toxicity of Waste Water to Eggs of Danio rerio

DIN EN ISO 17512-1

Earthworm Avoidance Test

DIN EN ISO 17512-2

Collembola Avoidance Test

DIN EN ISO 20079

Duckweed Growth Inhibition


Daphnia Acute Test


Fish Acute Toxicity Test


Algae Growth Inhibition Test

DIN 38412 L9 + L33

Algae Growth Inhibition

DIN 38412-L30 + L11 + L40

Daphnia Acute

DIN 38412 L31 + L15

Fish Acute

DIN 38415-T6

Fish Eggs

DIN EN ISO 06341

Daphnia Acute Test


Algae Growth Inhibition

DIN EN ISO 11348

Luminiscent Bacteria Test

ISO WD 11350

Ames Fluctuationtest

ISO 10706

Daphnia magna Longterm Test

ISO 10871

Solid Contact Test with Arthrobacter globiformis

ISO 10872

Caenothabditis elegans

ISO 11267

Inhibition of reproduction of Collembola

ISO 11350

Ames Fluctuation Test

ISO 16191

Myriophyllum aquaticum Sediment Test

ISO 20665

Ceriodaphnia Population Growth Inhibition Test