
Getting started


Working with ToxRat - where to find...

An introduction to the use of ToxRat - either for beginners or for advanced users.


Are you a new user and would like to get a basic introduction to the program?

Or, you are basically familiar with the program, but would like to create individual templates, learn which optional settings are available and understand what is going on behind the user interface?

We offer trainings on different levels, possible subjects are:

Introduction to ToxRat features and operation

ToxRat´s user interface, generell principle / philosophy

Data templates
The key to ToxRat: evaluation levels, biotest / generic; templates, masterbooks vs workbooks
structure  of data templates: cover page (test design, special cells such as repeated measurements, decimals),
input data sheets, do´s and don´ts
data input, editing templates

ToxRat´s „brain“: The RUN-Button – what is behind?

Context specific menu – step by step from raw data to report

Which data to evaluate? The selections menu

Result tables – how to read and how to to interpret

Optional settings: outlier tests – consequences for the data set? Analysis of variance

Default settings – what to do if they do not work?

Check for validity / optional settings: the biotest tab

Original variables – calculated variables, data tables

How to edit / export graphics