Prof. Dr. Hans Toni Ratte
"Programming is like mental constructing for me."
"With the rise of personal computers, I became excited by the realization that software programs could produce results in a very short time that would have taken half a lifetime with a pocket calculator. I began to delve into programming, initially just to automate the analysis of my own experiments.
As a passionate scientist and ecologist, I am also concerned that data from biological experiments in the environmental field be evaluated in a sound and statistically correct manner. After all, the ultimate goal is to draw robust conclusions for risk assessment. This also motivated me to participate in scientific advisory boards. In doing so, I was often in the role of having to explain biology to statisticians and statistics to biologists. This is how I came up with the idea of developing a statistical software for users without detailed knowledge of statistics and programming.
I have found compensation for programming in beekeeping. I'm fascinated by the complex processes in a bee hive and the manifold interactions with nature - that's where the biologist and ecologist in me comes out again."
Professional background
Born 1946
Study of biology and PhD with focus on physiological ecology and genetics at the University of Cologne
Research associate at the Chair of Biology V (Ecology), RWTH Aachen University
Head of a research group with focus on ecology, ecotoxicology and modeling.
Habilitation on causal analysis of limnic communities, appointment as associate professor
2002 Foundation of ToxRat Solutions GmbH
Emeritus since 2011
An article published on the occasion of the emeritation summarizes Toni Ratte's professional background:
Teaching activities
Quantitative Biology (Introduction to Statistics)
Multivariate Statistics in Ecology
Introduction to Ecology
Ecology and Ecotoxicology of limnic and terrestric systems
Basics of environmental risk assessment
Mathematikal modelling in Ecology and Ecotoxicology
Several field excursions
Leading the modules "Statistics" and "Aquatic Ecotoxicolgy" in the postgraduate program Ecotoxicolgy of SETAC-GDCh.
Work in scientific boards (selection)
DIN Arbeitskreis "Biotests" der Gesellschaft deutscher Chemiker, 1993 - 2021
SETAC Experts Meeting in Monkswood, GB ("Guidance document on testing procedures for pesticides in freshwater mesocosms", 1991)
Aquatic Model Ecosystem Advisory Committee (AMEAC, SETAC International von 1992 bis 1994)
Umweltbundesamt-working group "Fortentwicklung ökologischer Prüfmethoden im Rahmen der OECD "
Organisation group for internat. Workshop "Community Level Aquatic Systems Studies Interpretation Criteria (CLASSIC, Juni 1999).- Umweltbundesamt, Fhg Schmallenberg; Mitherausgeber der Proceedings
Statistical Workgroup der International Standardization Organisation (ISO) und der OECD, ab 2000
Ad-hoc Expert of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Panel on Plant Health, Plant Protection Products and their Residues, Parma (2 times: 2005 and 2007)
President SETAC-Europe 1998/99
President of SETAC-Europe German Language Branch, 1997/98
Activities as a reviewer for various journals
Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Chemosphere, Water Research, Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung, Environmental Science and Technology, Oecologia, Journal of Insect Physiology, Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Journal Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
Publications (selection)
René Lehmann, Jean Bachmann, Bilgin Karaoglan, Jens Lacker, Glenn Lurman, Christian Polleichtner, Hans Toni Ratte, Monika Ratte (2018): The CPCAT as a novel tool to overcome the shortcomings of NOEC/LOEC statistics in ecotoxicology: a simulation study to evaluate the statistical power. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:50
René Lehmann, Jean Bachmann, Bilgin Karaoglan, Jens Lacker, Christian Polleichtner, Hans Toni Ratte, Monika Ratte (2018): An alternative approach to overcome shortcomings with multiple testing of binary data in ecotoxicology. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32, 213-222
René Lehmann, Jean Bachmann, Dirk Maletzki, Christian Polleichtner, Hans Toni Ratte, Monika Ratte (2016)
A new approach to overcome shortcomings with multiple testing of reproduction data in ecotoxicology. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30 83), 871-882
Preuss TG, Hammers-Wirtz M, Hommen U, Rubach MN, Ratte HT (2009): Development and validation of an individual based Daphnia magna population model: The influence of crowding on population dynamics. Ecological modelling, 220, 310-329
Floeter C, Ahlf W, Ratte HT (2008) Entwicklung von ökotoxikologischen Instrumenten und ihre rechtliche Implementierung zur marinen ökologischen Risikobewertung von Chemikalien, Pestiziden und Baggergut Umweltwiss Schadst Forsch (2008) DOI 10.1007/s12302-008-0027-z
Siehoff S, Preuss TG, Ratte HT, Roß-Nickoll M, Lennartz G (2008): The GraS-Model (Grassland-Succession-Model) - A simulation model for the succession of grassland biotopes under various management regimes (developed for the Eifel National Park). Extended Abstract. SER 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Ghent, Belgium.
Ratte HT (2007): Ökotoxikologie: 'Ecospeak' oder Wissenschaft? Versuch einer politischen und wissenschaftlichen Standortbestimmung. UWSF – Z Umweltchem Ökotox 19, Sonderheft Nr. 1, 1–5
Ratte HT, Lennartz F, Roß-Nickoll M (2005): Ecosystem dynamics and stability - are the effects of pesticides acceptable? In: Liess et al. (eds.) Effects of pesticides in the field - EPIF, SETAC - Press, 88-90.
Brock T.C.M and Ratte H.T. (2002) Ecological Risk assessment of pesticides. In: Giddings J.M.; Brock T.C.M.; Heger W.; Heimbach F.; Maund S.J.; Norman S.M.; Ratte H.T.; Schäfers C. and Streloke M. (eds) Community Level Aquatic System Studies - Interpretation Criteria. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2002, ISBN 1-880611-49-x, pp 33-39.
Giddings J.M.; Brock T.C.M.; Heger W.; Heimbach F.; Maund S.J.; Norman S.M.; Ratte H.T.; Schäfers C. and Streloke M. (2002): Community Level Aquatic System Studies - Interpretation Criteria. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), pp. 43, ISBN 1-880611-49-x
Ratte H.T. (2002): Statistik für ökotoxikologische Testverfahren. In: Fomin A., Markert B.A., Oehlmann, B (Hrsg.): Praktikum zur Ökotoxikologie. Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft, Landsberg, Germany, 250 Seiten.
Ratte H.T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Cleuvers M. (2002): Ecotoxicity testing. In: Markert B.A., Breure A.M., Zechmeister H.G. (eds): Bioindicators and biomonitors. Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 221-255.
Hammers-Wirtz, M. and H.T. Ratte (2001): Offspring fitness in Daphnia: Is the Daphnia reproduction test the appropriate test to extrapolate effects on the population level? Environ Toxicol Chem, 19:1856-1866.
Ratte H.T., Hammers-Wirtz M. (2001): Does risk mitigation needs also modified approaches in toxicity testing? Mitt. Bio. Bundesanst. Land- Forstwirtsch. 383:21-24.
Ratte H.T. (1999): Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Silver Compounds. Environ. Toxicol. 18: 89-108.
Ratte H.T. (1996 b): Statistical implications of endpoint selection and inspection interval in the Daphnia Reproduction Test - a simulation study. - Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 15, 1831-1843
Hommen U. and H.T. Ratte (1994): Application of a plankton simulation model on outdoor-microcosm case studies .- In: Hill, I.R., F. Heimbach, P. Leeuwangh, and P. Matthiessen (eds) Freshwater Field Tests for Hazard Assessment of Chemicals. Lewis Publishers, Michigan, USA, pp. 493-502
Hommen U., U. Dülmer, and H.T. Ratte (1994): Monte-Carlo simulations in ecological risk assessment. Proceedings of the Anniversary Conference of the Wageningen Agricultural University 'Predictability and Non-linear Modelling in Natural Sciences and Economics, Kluwer Dordrecht, pp. 460-470
Ratte H.T., H.J. Poethke, U. Dülmer, and U. Hommen (1994 a): Future Developments in the Field of Ecological Effects Modelling. - In: Stebbing, A.R.D., K. Travis, and P. Matthiessen, (eds) Environmental Modelling - the Next 10 Years, SETAC Special Publication; ISBN 09522535 0 X; pp. 18-21
Ratte H.T., H.J. Poethke, U. Dülmer,. and U. Hommen. (1994 b): Modelling of Aquatic Field Tests for Hazard Assessment. In: Hill, I.R.; Heimbach, F; Leeuwangh, P. and Matthiessen, P. (1994) Freshwater Field Tests for Hazard Assessment of Chemicals. Lewis Publishers, Michigan, USA, pp. 399-424.
Hommen U., H.J. Poethke, U. Dülmer and H.T. Ratte (1993): Simulation models to predict ecological risk of toxins in freshwater systems. ICES J. mar. Sci. 50, 337-347.